Financial Coaching

Want to learn more about how to make your money go futher?

Our newest Financial Literacy Coaching program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed financial decisions and achieve your personal goals. Whether you’re saving for a dream vacation, building an emergency fund, enhancing your lifestyle, or investing for retirement, we’re here to support your unique financial journey. Join us for free workshops led by certified counselors, available in both English and Spanish. You’ll gain valuable insights into credit, expense planning, saving, and managing debt, with personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. Sign up for a session or all of the sessions that interest you!

Upcoming Courses

All courses are hybrid – provided in person and via Zoom.


September 17 - Module 2: Credit Chronicles
September 24 - Module 3: Money Mindfulness and Progress Party
October 8 - Module 1: Treasure Map to Financial Bliss
October 15 - Module 2: Credit Chronicles
October 22 - Module 3: Money Mindfulness and Progress Party


September 12 - Módulo 2: Crónicas de crédito
September 19 - Módulo 3: Atención plena y comportamiento del dinero y Fiesta del Progreso
October 3 - Módulo 1: Mapa del tesoro hacia la felicidad financiera
October 10 - Módulo 2: Crónicas de crédito
October 17 - Módulo 3: Atención plena y comportamiento del dinero y Fiesta del Progreso

All courses are from 6:30pm until 7:30pm.